


Our visionary goal is to make Jesus known to all as believers of the New Testament. Proclaiming to all that freedom in every area of life will only be achieved through the abundance of God's Grace and the gift of righteousness to everyone that believe and rest in the finished works of the Lord Jesus Christ.

Romans 5:17 (NLT)

"For the sin of this one man, Adam, caused death to rule over many. But even greater is God's wonderful grace and his gift of righteousness, for all who receive it will live in triumph over sin and death through this one man, Jesus Christ"



Our Mission is to go into every home, community, city, state, and nation here and globally, to truly proclaim the message of Grace and Love through practical compassion, forgiveness and in addition the healing of the pains and hurts of humanity, through faith in the power and love of JESUS.

John 1:17 (NKJV)

"For the law was given through Moses,

but grace and truth came through Jesus Christ"


II Corinthians 3:17 (NIV)

"Now the Lord is the Spirit, and where the Spirit of the Lord is, there is freedom"


We are a church with this focus in mind, to obey and teach individuals through the love of God, which is the riches of His Grace to reach this world for Jesus with the forgiveness of sins. Therefore, we proclaim that Freedom of Grace Full Gospel Church is:

  •   Interracial: Caring for and loving all races
  •   Informational: Preaching and teaching with simplicity and understanding the full Gospel of the Grace of God.
  •   Inspirational:  By grace inspiring an empowering all through the Holy Spirit.



Freedom of Grace Family Ministries:  
There is a need for the building and rebuilding of the family. Families are under the attack of the devil through role reversals, humanism, and all forms of ungodliness. The church MUST ATTACK BACK! To build the family, we must start with the marriage and from there the man (husband). The women (wife) must be ministered to separately as well as together. As a result, M.A.P.P. (Men Applying Power and Purpose), R.R.A.W. (Refined Righteous Anointed Women), and G.E.M.S. (Growing Every Mate Spiritually) was birthed to meet these needs and to produce strong families.
Freedom of Grace Daycare: (name subject to change)

Freedom of Grace Daycare shall be a Christian daycare facility that would meet the needs of single parents as well as families of dual incomes. The daycare will be an avenue to reach new families and their children for Jesus and the Kingdom of God.


Freedom of Grace Youth Ministries:

Freedom of Grace Youth Ministry involves our teens and youth, naturally and spiritually, emphasizing our hope for the next generation of leaders. Through the creativity of our methods and the Spirit of God, we can and will reach this generation for Christ. We must construct a bridge for the means of connecting, reaching, and bringing healing, hope, and freedom to the youth. Teens are first attacked in the area of sex and sexual choices, because of this; Bottling Up T.E.A.R.S. (Teens Expecting And Regretting Sexual Choices) A Center of Hope was birthed. This ministry will target our teens to bring healing, hope, and direction for the choices they have made by meeting their natural needs without judging them and showing them love.

Our goal is to have a youth recreation/sports facility as an alternative to the traps of the streets. We also plan to establish a Freedom Scholarship Fund for the advancement of a college education. Let us create and build for this generation.

Freedom of Grace Leadership Institute:

Winning the lost is part of the great commission: the second part is to make disciples. The making of disciples, for he Kingdom of God, is the avenue to reproduce leaders in the church and the Body of Christ. This institute will train and mentor leaders through life skills and the Word of God.


Freedom of Grace Healing Center : (name subject to change)

Freedom of Grace Healing Center will focus on alcohol, substance abuse, and sexual addiction deliverance. This center will offer detox deliverance and a renewing of the mind to bring about lasting freedom and kingdom victory for men and women through safe but separate facilities.


Freedom of Grace Social Services: (name subject to change)

Serving the needs of hurting people require meeting their natural and social needs such as feeding the poor, helping the homeless, and assisting mothers with their children. This ministry will provide resources for battered women and job placement services to reach and help people at every level.


Freedom of Grace Full Gospel Church Campus and Worldwide Headquarters:

A facility and campus will house every aspect of Freedom of Grace Full Gospel Ministry's vision. This campus will be equipped to hold 5,000 to 10,000 people for multiple church services and conferences. This campus will be called the FREEDOM OF GRACE CENTER (name subject to change). If the world can build super domes to hold 20,000 to 80,000 people, how much more can we do for GOD's glory!


As we meet the needs of people, both great and small, the end result will be growth. We will not limit God. We dare to believe. There are too many sinners, un-churched, and lost souls. We must believe BIG for their salvation and for this